Find a Church

Looking for a church? We can help!


  • Church Finder - Church Finder is the largest directory of churches in America with over 280,000 churches listed. Their directory can be narrowed down by location and denomination.
  • Church Advise - Church Advise specializes in giving reviews and advice on churches. Their directory has 260,000 churches and can be narrowed down by location, denomination, program, and ministries.
  • Faith Street - Faith Street has a directory of 14,000 churches. They offer more specialized searching with advanced options like location, denomination, programs, vibe, service times, and more.
  • Church Angel - Allows you to narrow church results down by location and denomination with over 300,000 listings in the USA.
  • USA Churches - Start your church search by state and narrow down to find one close to you!
  • Got Questions Links - Links to church finders by denomination in the USA.



  • ChurchDirectory - Church Directory lists over 19,000 churches from coast to coast. You will be able to search by province, and by church name.


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